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- A12a – Graphs of [linear functions,] quadratic functions, [simple cubic functions, and the reciprocal function]
- A11a – Identifying roots, intercepts and turning points of quadratic functions graphically
- A11b – Identifying turning points of quadratic functions by completing the square
- A18a – Solving quadratic equations by factorising
Interactive GeoGebra activity: Identifying the equation of a quadratic curve from a sketch
Before sketching quadratics, make sure that you can identify the equations of quadratic curves given a sketch, as covered in lessons A11a and A11b.
Sketching quadratics
Interactive GeoGebra Activity: sketching quadratics
Generate new questions by clicking the “New question” button. Change the style of the question by adjusting the horizontal slider. To see what your sketch should look like, simply drag down the vertical slider. You can move the labels of the key points around a little to aid visibility.