A4e – Factorising quadratics

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Factorising quadratics

Click the tabs for extension tasks…

  • Fully factorise \(x^4-1\)
Hover for hint:
  •   Define \(u = x^2\). Then \(u^2=x^4\).
Hover for answer:
  •   \(x^4-1 \equiv u^2-1 \equiv (u+1)(u-1) \equiv (x^2+1)(x^2-1) \equiv (x^2+1)(x+1)(x-1)\)

  1. Expand \((x+\frac{1}{2})(x+6)\). Is it possible factorise this expanded expression so that the factors only contain integer coefficients and constants?
  2. Expand \((x+\frac{1}{2})(2x+6)\). Is it possible factorise this expanded expression so that the factors only contain integer coefficients and constants?
Hover for answers:
  1.   \((x+\frac{1}{2})(x+6)\equiv x^2+\frac{13}{2}x+3\); no
  2.   \((x+\frac{1}{2})(2x+6)\equiv 2x^2+7x+3 \equiv (2x+1)(x+3)\)

Stan and Ollie are trying to factorise \(x^2-5x+6\). Stan writes \((x-2)(x-3)\). Ollie writes \((2-x)(3-x)\). Are either of them correct? If so, who?

Hover for answers:

  •   They’re both correct, but Stan’s factorisation is more conventional.

Factorising non-monic quadratic expressions

Click the “New question” to generate a new expression to factorise. Drag down the slider for a step-by-step solution using the grouping method. Note that the applet will occasionally generate an expression that can be factorised easily by a different method (e.g. completing the square) to help you practise those skills. In these cases, the slider is replaced with a simple button to reveal the answer.

Teacher resources

Teachers: log in to access the following:

  • Slides in PPTX (with click-to-reveal answers)
  • Slides in PDF (one slide per page, suitable for importing into IWB software)
  • Desmos classroom activity: Factorising quadratics (20 randomised questions) Find out more
Links to past exam and UKMT questions

Teachers: log in to access these.

Unlimited practice questions

In the real world
In lesson A18a, you will see how factorising quadratic expressions will help you solve quadratic equations. The ‘In the real world‘ section for that lesson shows why quadratics are so relevant in the real world.