This is the students’ version of the page. Log in above for the teachers’ version.
- A1a – Using and interpreting algebraic notation
- A2a – Substituting numerical values into formulae and expressions
- G9a – Circle parts – definitions and properties (an understanding of radius and diameter is helpful)
- G16a – Area of rectangles (an understanding of area is helpful)
- G17b – Circumference of a circle (this lesson introduces π)
Starting point: estimating area by counting squares

There is a printable worksheet version of this activity in the linked teacher resources below.
Area of a circle
Teacher resources
Teachers: log in to access the following:
- Starting point worksheet
- Slides in PPTX (with click-to-reveal answers)
- Slides in PDF (one slide per page, suitable for importing into IWB software)
- Worksheet (with space for student work)
- Handout (slides with exercises only; 4 per page for reduced printing)
- Further resources on external sites (log in to see links)
Links to past exam questions
Teachers: log in to access these.
Visualise an approximate link between the area of a circle and its radius
Drag down the slider to see that the area of a circle with radius r is between 2r2 and 4r2.
In the real world
Teachers: log in to view this content.