This is the students’ version of the page. Log in above for the teachers’ version.
- G16a – Area of rectangles
- G16b – Area of triangles
- G16d – Area of trapezia (required for Beta exercise 2)
- G16e – Volume of cuboids and other right prisms (required for Exam-style question 2 and the Challenge)
Surface areas and nets
Can you find the area of the nets of these shapes? You can unfold the net by dragging down the slider. Click and drag the grid to rotate your view. Shift+click and drag to pan the view.
Surface area of cuboids, prisms and pyramids
Teacher resources
Links to past exam and UKMT questions
Teachers: log in to access these.
Interactive GeoGebra activity
Choose a cuboid, triangular prism or square-based pyramid. Change its dimensions to see if you can work out its surface area. Tick the boxes to highlight particular faces and to show the correct surface area.
With thanks to Anthony, whose Custom Cuboid applet is available here. Material modified and embedded here under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.