N9a – Converting between normal numbers and standard form

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Standard form: examples and non-examples

Part 1 – Standard form and large numbers

Teacher resources for Part 1

Teachers: log in to access the following:

  • Slides in PPTX (with click-to-reveal answers)
  • Slides in PDF (one slide per page, suitable for importing into IWB software)
Links to past exam questions

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Part 2 – Standard form and small numbers

Teacher resources for Part 2
Links to past exam questions

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Numbers in words and standard form

This applet generates numbers in partly worded form (eg “287.2 million”). You need to write these in standard form.

Cross-curricular link: climate change

This is based on data from https://www.globalwarmingindex.org

  • Note the temperatures at two different times, approximately a minute apart. Use this to work out the temperature rise per second. Write your answer in standard form.

In the real world

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