Loci applets
We have added four new applets to our resources for G2c on mixed loci problems. The applet shown below is one which generates a diagram and students need to identify the locus shown. Note that the dashed straight line in the harder questions is the perpendicular bisector of AB.

Circle theorems: applet
You can find this applet described in this tweet at G10a.
A different type of circle theorem activity. Instead of being given a specific diagram and having to decide which theorem(s) to apply, here students are given the theorem. They then need to apply the theorem to a fairly generic diagram in as many different ways as they can. pic.twitter.com/5ObgaWq93F
— Sudeep (@boss_maths) October 12, 2020

Coordinate thinking and sketching
I often find that students are reluctant to draw sketches when approaching problems involving coordinates. I used to attribute this to laziness, but now I suspect that students are reluctant because sketches genuinely wouldn’t help them—even if they could draw them in the first place. We have therefore created an applet and a series of tasks that essentially provide students with sketches, in order to help them practise using sketches. The applet and tasks are available at the end of G7a and the start of G11a.

Delta exercises
We have added Delta exercises to a few topics, to follow on from the Alpha, Beta and Gamma exercises. We will be adding more over the coming months. Here is the Delta exercise from G16b on area of parallelograms:

Mixed-topic problem-solving
We have continued to add more mixed topic resources, available to Premium subscribers via this page. To find out more about the resources available to our Premium subscribers, click here.