Target X

We have started releasing a series of Target X sheets, containing questions from a mix of topics, are designed to be used with students targeting GCSE grades between 4 and 9. Target 4, Target 5, and Target 6 sheets contain four questions, whilst Target 7, Target 8, and Target 9 sheets each contain two longer questions. The sheets are designed to take students around 10 minutes.
Each sheet is available in three “fixed” versions A, B, and C; these are PDFs containing fixed questions. Additionally, each sheet is also available as a “dynamic” version, which you can use to generate and unlimited number of questions similar to those in the fixed sheets.
More Target sheets for grades 4-9 will be added on an ongoing basis.

Delta exercises
We have continued to add a number of Delta exercises to our slides, most recently for topics A17a Part 2, A17b, A19a Part 2, A23a Part 1, A25a, and A25b. Naturally, the associated downloadable resources including PowerPoints and worked solutions have been updated to include the Delta exercises.
Here are the questions in the Delta exercise from A25b (formatted for a tweet, and with answers included), on finding the nth term of a quadratic sequence.

And here is the Delta exercise from A19a Part 2, on solving simultaneous equations.

Thinking about distributivity
We have added another set of question generators to TopTopics. This one is designed to get students thinking about distributivity:
- Use the slider to adjust the difficulty.
- Show/ hide the slider by clicking in white space near their normal position.
- To show/hide the answer to a question, click on the question’s text.
- To generate a new question, simply click on the answer itself.

Stem and leaf resources
A new set of slides, with associated downloadable resources, have been added on Stem and leaf diagrams. These are available at S2f.

Other applets
We have added and updated a number of applets on the website. A new addition is a question generator at G4a, that generates questions involving angles in isosceles triangles that also require knowledge of other angle facts. Here are examples of the kinds of questions generated: