GeoGebra applets
We have added new applets and made updates to existing applets. Here is an example:
Frequency table applets
Applets have been added at S4a and S4b. These feature clickable elements intended to help make it easier to see how we can efficiently find the median or mean from a frequency table.

Desmos classroom activities
We have continued to add Desmos classroom activities to our Resources. These Desmos activities contain randomised questions which means that for any given tasks, students in general will get similar, but not identical, questions to each other. As a teacher, you can quickly see the type of questions that students are seeing, but you can also dig deeper to see the specific question that each student sees. The video below shows the mobile phone screen of a student working through a task (on the right) and the teacher’s dashboard view (on the left). Whilst teachers can monitor students’ progress on a question-by-question basis during a live lesson, you don’t have to do this in real time. You can simply check how students fared at a later time, if you wish. This makes these activities suitable for use as homework tasks.
Where available, you will find links to these Desmos classroom activities in the expandable Teacher resources boxes under a topic’s set of slides.

Shortcut and mashup questions
We have continued to add to our shortcut and mashup resources, which now feature over 50 problems, with the fifth of the five questions in the tweet below being the latest addition. Shortcut problems can be solved with very little working if students have a good understanding of the relevant concepts. It is often possible to solve these without such an understanding, but students will find it far more laborious. Mashup problems interweave different topics within a single question, and generally require a significant amount of written working.